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Most African countries suffer from a shortage of water, Ghana on the other hand primarily suffers from too much contaminated water. Many still lack access to clean drinking water and safe sanitation. This is the case for Gyaha, the location of our project. 

As regards rural populations, most communities depend on a limited number of boreholes where water is extracted with manual pumps. Currently, the community in Gyaha depends on three manual water pumps to meet their daily need of water. Villagers have their children queue at one of the manual hand pumps or are forced to collect water from the nearest, often heavily polluted, rivers. This results in children not being able to go to school.

 Hence, the goal of our project is to improve water access in the village Gyaha, with a population of approximately 4500 people. To improve the situation, a solar pump system will be constructed at one of the 3 existing boreholes accompanied by a water tank. Taps will be installed at various strategic locations around the community. The importance of this installation is to provide continuous and sufficient potable water. Educating the community to maintain clean water practices by establishing a permanent hygiene and sanitation knowledge base is also a goal of the project.

The project is part of an overarching initiative of FOS. In Ghana, the project will be carried out in close cooperation with COLISO, a Ghianaian non-profit organisation with experience in executing developmental projects in rural areas in Ghana.

Lise Van Coillie
Michiel Mathijs
Nathan Bruynoghe
Cato Billiet
Caydie Van Brabant
Technology manager
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